The Popup Card Shop is Live

XOXO Popup Card
XOXO Popup Card

I am not sure why I didn’t think to mention it when the new Popup Card Shop went live a couple months ago. It features pretty new photos of all of the commercial cards from Japan and, more relevant for this site, some of my designs, on sale for the fist time. You may remember the first one up from my post here last January on the Golden Spiral card (now available here). I added the quick design I did for the XOXO festival as a Valentine’s Day card in February.

I am slowly working on getting some of my older designs production-ready. So, look for more soon.

I’m also working on refining some production techniques and, on some other experiments. I’ll post more detail on those here eventually.

In the meantime, check out the Popup Card Shop and, let me know what you think! at HeatSync Labs

I was too absorbed in talking to all the cool people to take many photos but, here are a few random shots from last night’s event! Road Show in Phoenix!

Greetings Phoenix Friends!

We are organizing the local stop for the road show supporting their Kickstarter campaign:

Kaia and Jesse are building a better keyboard – ergonomic, well-made, durable, programmable, hackable and open source.  This is a very exciting project for those of us who spend a lot of time in front of computers and, strive to keep our bodies healthy.

Come check out their Model 01 prototypes, chat about developing hardware projects, running Kickstarter campaigns and all things maker.

Heatsync Labs
140 W Main St
Mesa, AZ 85201

2 July 2015
7:00 to 9:00 P.M.

Please RSVP so that we have a head count:

See you there!

Carbide 3D Nomad 883 Desktop CNC

Excited to un-box and set up new equipment for the today! 3D printing gets all the buzz but, CNC milling machines can do amazing things and, are not limited to plastic. If you are curious, you can read more about the machine at Carbide3D’s site. They also have some videos of the machines in operation. The wooden Lego bricks are especially cool. I have some reading to do before I can do much with this but, it’s very exciting.

Carbide3D Nomad 883 Desktop CNC machine in the Evermore
Carbide3D Nomad 883 Desktop CNC machine in the Evermore




Golden Spiral

Happy New Year!

I have managed to get a little time in the to play with my origamic architecture projects over the holidays. In keeping with the time-honored tradition of striving to foster a bit of wonder for the recipients, I won’t post an image of the newest holiday card just yet.

I though, however, you might enjoy seeing the 2014 new year’s card, previously unseen online.
