Protected: Flower Crest 180º Pop Up Card (Cutting Machine)

Protected: Flower Crest 180º Pop Up Card (Cutting Machine)
Protected: Flower Crest 180º Pop Up Card (Cutting Machine)

One of the “twisted crest” style origamic architecture / kirigami pop up cards I designed back in 2018.  This version of the pattern is for craft machine cutting.  There is post about the Flower Crest Pop Up Cards, including a video on how to make these.

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Protected: Dice Mold Form (Chonk)

Protected: Dice Mold Form (Chonk)
Protected: Dice Mold Form (Chonk)

Mold form I modeled and 3D printed to make D20 chonk molds.  Original internal dimensions are 76mm diameter and 70mm tall, but you can resize it as desired.  Print two identical halves.  Hold together with binder clips.  Designed for resin printing, but should work fine for FDM.  Check out the video to see how it works.

Size: 34kb